Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Why not women for Prez election

Why not women for President post?

Why politicians are not even initiating the idea of electing a women to the top post - President of India.

Kalam is the non controversial President of recent years. He, being a scientist is the choice of the Indian people for the post again. This is clear from the surveys conducted by various TV channels. Inspite of this, none of the political party is willing to propose his name for the post.
So, the next person to occupy the Rashtrapati Bhavan will be, the choice of the political leaders and not the choice of the people.
This makes one thing clear. It is not sufficient to be abled person to become the top man of the country in India. He or she must be acceptable to the majority of the political leaders. For that, the person must dance to the tunes of the political personalities.

Already discussions are on to give atleast 33 percent of seats in State legislatures and Parliament to women. It is being delayed for various reasons. The major parties, namely Congress and BJP are not ready to put up a lady candidate for the President elections.
This gives the clear picture of the mind of the political leaders.
Do they say, there is none in the women community to be fit for the job?
No, they can not tell that. But, their thinking is like that only.
And the irony is, no women organisation is giving voice on the issue - Let them not worry, whether they will succeed in it or not. Atleast, raise the voice in favour of the women for the top post.

India had seen a powerful Prime Minister Indira Gandhi. Our neighbour Srilanka had seen Chandrika as president. Briton had seen Margaret Thatcher as PM. Pakistan - seen Benazir Bhutto as PM. Bangladesh had women PM's
We had also seen quite a few Chief Ministers as women in Tamilnadu, Rajashthan, Delhi, UP.
We even give reservations for women in local body panchayats in some States including Tamilnadu.

In this circumstances, why don't we go for a women President?

Do the readers of this small write-up agree with me?


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